A virtuoso of the imaginary, she creates a surprising universe where strange characters can be discovered through her artwork.
She transposes in images a fantasy world with no borders between reality and fantasy.This world that she carries inside her in the shape of fabulous stories and that she shows us in each of her paintings. She is happy to break down the rules of reality to enter an original area of the traditional imagery. She generously shares her vision of humans and animals, bringing us into an incredible visual journey.
After achieving a Bachelor of Arts degree (1985), with the confidence of a solid academic training, Diane Brouillette went on to study etching in Grenoble (France). In 1989, she obtained a grant from the Canada Council for the Arts and decided to pursue her training in Italy, at the Florence Academy of Fine Arts.
Her professional trajectory has a few surprises. From 2012, to mark a turning point in her painting, she changed her signature to use the pseudonym Georges C. One can speculate forever to try to understand the reason for the “C”. Was it the missing link between the D for Diane and the B of Brouillette? Whatever the reasons, this major turn allowed her to break from a more conventional style. Today, after this Georges C period, she offers us a more mature painting and furthermore, she is now able to put for sale some work that she was previously too attached to let go of. Proof that she is now on a new path.
She fascinates us by her ability to dive into a humorous universe that spontaneously sparks laughter or on the contrary to easily bring us to a strange gloomy world populated by an eclectic fauna. What a contrast! This is where all the strength and talent of the artwork of Diane Brouillette resides, to paint two opposing worlds that co-exist to render the complexity of human nature…
Danielle Beaulieu
Interior designer (for Beaux-Lauriers)